Our Team

Betty Close

Board Treasurer

Betty is a retired Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) senior office and administrator, and was a member of Hebron Housing Authority and one of the lead people in developing the Stonecroft Village senior housing project in Hebron, CT.

Kathy Dorgan

Project Architect

Kathy is a principal of Dorgan Architecture & Planning in Storrs, Connecticut and an architect who provides participatory planning for communities of choice and justice, and an internationally recognized trainer on issues of sustainability and resilient just-development.

Robert Mangiafico

Board President

Robert is an owner of LexiConn Internet Services, Inc. and lay leader at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Hebron, CT.

Ron Kolanowski

Board Vice President

Ron is the rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Hebron, CT.

Donna Jolly

Board Secretary

Donna is co-founder/Board member of Coalition on Diversity & Equity (CoDE) and communications professional.